Being a supply teacher is a fantastic opportunity and has many positives for not only teachers but also Instructors, Teaching Assistants, Learning Support Assistants and other support staff. By being a supply teacher it can allow you to do the job you love without the commitment of a permanent role. Working in supply you not only get to sample different schools and meet lots of new children it can also build your confidence and allow you to try out different teaching styles and skills.
As an Early Careers Teacher it can allow you to try a few Schools in your area before committing to a permanent role and work out which type of schools suit you best.
If you are returning from a career break being a supply teacher can give you flexibility with your availability for example fitting around childcare and allow you to choose when you work! If the idea of a holiday in term time is appealing then you can simply book and go without the need to worry!
We believe that being prepared is the key to being a successful supply teacher, we have put together a little guide to help our current supply staff and anyone who is thinking of joining our friendly agency.

The Call!
Be prepared that Schools do request supply in the evening so you may get an advanced booking ready for the morning or alternatively be aware that we may be calling you super early from 7am up till 8.30am to see if you are free for the day.
We always update our candidates availability so you shouldn’t be receiving a call to see if you are free for the day if you have already informed us you are unavailable and also note that if you do not want an early morning call then simply let us know you only want advanced bookings and then we will not be waking you up!
Try to have your bag packed the night before remembering to pack your DBS certificate, Passport/Driving License, ID badge, facemask, hand sanitizer. Its always handy to have your lunch ready to take in to save you a few minutes in the morning.
We also recommend that you have resources handy to take with you in case there is no work set in an emergency – Twinkl are superb for this and offer lots of free resources for education staff Primary Resources - KS2, KS1, Early Years (EYFS) KS3, KS4, Twinkl.
Sat Nav/Map!
If you are going to be travelling to a new school and you are unsure where it is then it is always handy to either keep a map in your car or have a charged up sat nav/phone for directions 😊 There is nothing worse than getting lost and arriving flustered at a school. If you are running late or get lost remember to call us and we can let the school know!!
Meeting the class!
It can be daunting having to go into a classroom where you don’t know the children’s names so we recommend introducing yourself to the class and then asking each child to say their name and one interesting fact about themselves. If they are sitting down at a table then you could ask them to write their name on a piece of card and fold it to sit on their desks, If you are in for just 1 day then it would not be expected for you to learn and remember 30 children’s names so just do your best and make sure you follow the plans that are left and follow the schools behaviour policies.
End of the day!
At the end of the school day as a Primary supply teacher ensure that you have finished the marking and left this for the morning, make sure that you take all your belongings with you and leave the classroom nice and tidy! As support staff in supply the teacher you are assisting will let you know what needs to be done to complete the day. Its always best practice to say goodbye to the office staff as they will more than likely be booking supply and it is a good way of them remembering you and requesting you back again
We always love to get feedback from our staff and our schools on how the day went so if you ever need a chat after you have completed your day then please just call us and let us know how you got on or if there were any concerns that you wish to discuss. Lastly please go home and enjoy a well earnt cup of tea you are all superstars